Monday, March 31, 2014

Childhood Obesity

Obesity is a common problem affecting children and adolescents. This is a result of both increased intake of energy-dense foods (high-fat diet, fast foods) and reduced exercise.

Energy expenditure has fallen as a result of an increase in sedentary behavior. Children spent lot of time in front of computers and television. They have less chance to play outdoor games due to competitive education and extra classes.

Other causes of obesity are hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome and some syndromes like Prader-Willi syndrome.

Emotional disturbance is seen in some affected children and unhappiness may lead to further excessive eating.

Complications of obesity are bone deformities (bow legs), headache, heart failure, polycystic ovaries, hyperinsulinaemia or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, hypertension, abnormal blood lipids, asthma and psychological problems like low self-esteem, depression.

To get rid of this problem child should reduce in television viewing and fat intake, increase physical activity (30 to 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity per day), increase fruit and vegetables intake. Of these, the most effective single factor is reduced television viewing. There is no evidence that any drug treatment is effective in treating obesity in children.

Important to notice

Obesity in children is becoming more common

Predispose children to a wide range of medical illness such as diabetes, high blood pressure and psychological distress in childhood and adult life.

An obese child tends to become an obese adult.

Most children are obese as a result of their lifestyle not due to an underlying medical problem.

Lifestyle changes are difficult to achieve and even harder to maintain.

Success is more likely if there is family support and participation. Therefore family support is necessary to get rid of this problem.


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