Pancreatitis Mnemonic : Causes, Severity

Most commen causes are Gallstones and alcohol.Severity may range from mild to very sever form of disease.

medicine OSPE

52 year old patient presented with cough and several bouts of haemoptysis of four month duration. 1. Describe two abnormalities on chest Xray 2. Give a likely diagnosis

Chest x-ray - mnemonic - Pulmonary oedema

Pulmonary oedema is a medical emergency. It is important to know how to identify it......

Snake Bite.....Prevention and First Aid

Prevention is better than cure.

Constipation - How to relieve - Easy Tips

Constipation is not an uncommon condition in population. It is two time common in female than male.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Bladder outflow obstruction and Lower Urinary Track Symptoms

A 74 year old gentlemen who is diagnosed to have benign prostatic hyperplasia  presented with inability to pass urine and suprapubic pain.
On examination there is an abdominal lump arising from the pelvis up to the level of umbilicus.
X-ray KUB
Urinary stones bladder stones
He is having bladder outflow track obstruction caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia complicated by acute retention of urine and stone formation.

Bladder outflow tract obstruction

What are the causes for Bladder outflow tract obstruction?

Mechanical causes for Bladder outflow tract obstruction

  • Bladder neck
    • Bladder neck hypertrophy
    • Stenosis due to prostectomy
  •  Prostate
    • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
    • Prostatic carcinoma
    • Prostitis                                                                     
  • Urethra 
    • Urethral srictures
      • Post traumatic -
        • Accidental
        • Iatrogenic (Instrumentation, Catheterization )
      • Inflammatory - Gonocaccal urethritis
      • Neoplasms
      • Balanitis xerotica obliterans (a premalignant condition)
      • Congenital
    • External meatal stenosis
    • Tight phimosis
    • calculi
    • External compression by Pelvic tumors

Functional causes for Bladder outflow tract obstruction

  • Neurogenic causes
    • Spinal code injury
    • Cauda equina syndrome
    • Prolapsed intervertibral disc
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Diabetic autonomic neuropathy 

what are the features of Bladder outflow track obstruction?

These are called as Lower Urinary Track Symptoms

Lower Urinary Track Symptoms

There are two group of symptoms.

Voiding ( obstructive ) symptoms

  • Hesitancy (He want to pass urine, but there is difficulty in initiation. This worsened when bladder is full)
  • Poor flow ( unimproved by straining) 
  • Dribbling
  • Intermittent stream (Urine flow stops and starts on one or more occasions during voiding )
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying
  • Episodes of near reteintion

Storage ( irritative ) symptoms

  • Frequency
  • Urgency ( Want to pass urine where he can not hold it. This can be associated with or without of incontinence )
  • Urge incontinence ( Involuntary leakage of urine accompanied or immediately preceded by urgency)
  • Nocturnal incontinence (Recent onset Nocturnal enuresis )

What are the complication of bladder outflow track obstruction? 

Complication of bladder outflow track obstruction

  • Acute urine retention
  • Chronic urine retention
  • urinary stones formation
  • Urinary track infection
  • Obstructive uropathy (chronic renal failure)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Vegetarian Diet - Good or Bad

In these days lot of people's try to be a vegetarian. But there are several facts towards it and against it.
This space is for your ideas.

Vegetarian diet - Good and Bad
Leave your thoughts on comments.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

TNM Classification for Breast Carcinoma

TNM Classification for Breast Carcinoma

TNM Classification is developed and maintain by UICC ( Union for International Cancer Control ) and it used to classify tumors by anatomical stage. This classification help to determine in management and prognosis.


  • T1       Up to              2 cm Greatest dimension
  • T2       Between         2-5 cm Greatest dimension
  • T3       More than      5 cm Greatest dimension
  • T4       Any size tumor
    • T4 a        attached to the chest wall
    • T4 b        attached to the skin
    • T4 c        attached to the chest wall and skin
    • T4 d        mastitis carcinomatosis / inflammatory carcinoma


  • N 0      No palpable axillary lymph nodes
  • N 1      Mobile axillary nodes
  • N 2      Fixed axillary nodes
  • N 3      Internal mammary chain nodes are palpable


  • M 0     No radiological or clinical evidence of distant metastasis
  • M 1     Distant metastasis are present
  • M x     Distant metastasis can not be assessed 
          Breast carcinoma is a systemic disease. It has metastasis from the beginning. But it can not assess due to small size (<0.2mm )